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Learning prospects

Service description 

Our regulated qualification portfolio includes lots of progressive qualifications that we believe will optimise your educational progress and employability prospects.

To choose the right qualification we recommend you find out the legal, regulatory and sector rules relevant to your personal and professional goals. You can then browse through our regulated qualifications portfolio to find out if we offer the one which is most beneficial for you.  

If you need help to understand the legal, regulatory and sector rules relevant to your chosen vocation AND to choose the right qualification to help you get there, please get in touch! 

Service commitment  

We will respond to your request within 5 working days to provide an outcome.  

We will NOT encourage you to complete one of our qualifications if it will not enable you to achieve your goals.  

We will work will our affiliates to source the best people to help you if we do not offer the qualification that you need! 

Service charge 


Learner educators

Service description 

Our qualifications are delivered to learners through education providers that we recognised as our centres. Each centre must also apply to deliver each qualification. We make sure they have the right facilities, people, capabilities and competences. This is to protect you – the learner and to make sure you receive the best possible educational experience.  

Each centre will deliver a qualification learning and assessment programme in their own way. Some deliver lots of practical workshops. Others deliver webinars and digital learning activities. This is all dependent on the qualification rules, their resources and reach. It is also important to note that some centres deliver our qualifications nationally and others in their local area only.  

Centre prices for learners differ considerable for the same qualification. Some explanations might be that their workforce is highly experienced, they have facilities which are more costly, or their interactive digital tools are very expensive.  

In all cases the centre’s price will always include the fee to register you onto our qualification. We have a standard fee per qualification for every learner. We keep our fees as low as possible with the hope to improve equality in education. Your centre is responsible for registering you for the qualification and paying the learner fee. For successful learners they will claim your eCertificate which they will send to you securely. 

 It is important for you to know all this this before choosing your centre.  

 So, if you have chosen a qualification and needs to find the right centre for you, please get in touch! 

Service commitment 

We will provide an outcome within 5 working days. 

Service charge 


Learner accessibility


Learner certification


Learner destination


Learner complaints


Learner allegations


Learner appeals



Advisory Service

We empower interested and registered learners through education and employability advice. We consider your unique goals, capabilities and circumstances to provide you with available options without bias.

We empower you to make sound decisions through accurate, objective information.

Enquiries Service

We encourage interested or registered learners to contact us if you need any information or support.

We will respond with within 3 working days of receipt.

Request a replacement Certificate

We encourage interested or registered learners to contact us if you need any information or support.

We will respond with within 3 working days of receipt.


Advisory Service

We empower interested and registered learners through education and employability advice. We consider your unique goals, capabilities and circumstances to provide you with available options without bias.

We empower you to make sound decisions through accurate, objective information.

Enquiries Service

We encourage interested or registered learners to contact us if you need any information or support.

We will respond with within 3 working days of receipt.

Request a replacement Certificate

We encourage interested or registered learners to contact us if you need any information or support.

We will respond with within 3 working days of receipt.


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Empowering learning, creativity and innovation.

The Federation of Awarding Bodies is the collective voice of the UK’s world-class qualifications and assessments industry.


Chartered institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity Incorporated by Royal Charter Charity registration number 1144545


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