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Transcend Urban Images Suite

Transcend Urban Images [Visual Art] is a pioneering suite of Ofqual regulated qualifications. It is uniquely designed to progressively develop learners’ visual art production and exhibition skills in an urban context. This suite sits in sector 09.2 crafts, creative arts and design and includes: 

This qualification suite is aimed at secondary school students who require an alternative curriculum. Over 329,000 children were excluded from schools in England in 2019. There are few solutions designed specifically to influence the sustainable engagement of these children in education. This suite therefore provides an opportunity for schools and PRUs to offer this as an innovative solution. 

This qualification suite is also relevant to learners in mainstream schools. It can be embedded into national curriculum programmes for art and design or offered as a value-added alternative.  Finally, it can be offered to learners in further education that wish to develop urban visual art skills to progress in their education or employability pathways. 

This qualification suite is developed with the JT Consultancy Urban Art Alliance as the technical collaborators. It was validated through consultation with Omnia Foundation a revolutionary independent school. 

The qualification suite is available to education providers that are compliant with the Transcend Centre Recognition and Supplementary Qualification Conditions. 

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